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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Process Analysis

Image One -

This picture sets the stage for my entire video. It displays a bias against fast food and makes a strong statement. It is formatted as a warning sign which makes the message much more powerful because those signs are familiar to everyone and everyone knows what they mean. I chose to put this picture first because I wanted to make a statement right at the get go to make the rest of my video easier to understand. By including this punch at the beginning it prepares the viewer for an explanation as to way that claim is true. 

Image Two -

I put this picture to provide examples of some fast food places in the rare occasion that the viewer couldn't think of any off the top of his or her head. This image puts examples in the readers mind which helps allow them to relate to the video and understand the context a little bit better. I included this second because it defines "fast food" from the previous picture which is critical. Without including my definition of fast food, my entire message would remain unclear. 
Image Three -

This picture gives a little bit of statistical information in a way that is easy on the eyes.  It demonstrates the increase in obesity rates specifically in the United States. It shows the US by displaying the American Flag on both of the figures t-shirts. This argues that obesity rates have increased significantly over the past few years, and something definitely needs to be done about it. I included this to highlight the problem that I'm displaying in this video. It is clear and concise and easy to understand which is the main reason I wanted to include it. I put it towards the beginning because it directly relates to the problem that I present a solution to towards the end. 

Image 4 - 

This shows the increase of childhood obesity which also directly correlates to the problem. The main reason I added this image was because of the shape of the graph. It is an increasing graph which shows an increase in obesity. By displaying this graph right after Image 3 it solidifies the idea in the viewers mind and clearly establishes the problem. I added this to basically back up the previous image, and give additional support to explaining the problem through statistical images. 
Image 5 -

This picture is a good follow up to the childhood obesity chart because it shows two kids pigging out on excessive amounts of fast food while laying on the couch, probably watching TV. By showing this image it strengthens my argument by showing an example of children eating there life away and being lazy. It also shows what fast food can do to people and how unhealthy it is. Just by looking at the picture you immediately feel disgusted, it is a powerful image. It argues childhood obesity and the need for change, something must be done to help this epidemic. 

Image 6 - 

The classic couch potato. This image is meant to send the message of laziness. People these days do whatever they can to get out of making meals, getting up, or doing even the littlest amount of work. Laziness has taken over which has severely impacted obesity rates. People order food or look for the cheapest options which immediately throws organic and healthy out the window. I included this to show how pathetic "lazy" looks so when it comes to the fitness pictures the viewer feels motivated to get moving and eat better. 

Image 7 - 

This image shows how unattractive it looks to see someone pigging out on a greasy burger and a soda pop from the neighborhood fast food place. I included this image to demonstrate the correlation between fast food and a thicker person eating it, notice its not a fit person who is completely confident with their appearance. This image doesn't include a face which is another reason it is so powerful. the eye immediately goes to the food which is strategically placed by the tummy, the large round rolly polly tummy that nobody wants to have. Solution? Give up fast food. What a marvelous argument. 

Image 8 -

Much similar to the previous image, this also doesn't show a face. It shows a man sitting on a bench (Not walking or running or exercising in any way shape or form.) The other interesting thing about this image is it has a box directly placed on the mans stomach which a fast food meal displayed on it, as if that was what was in the mans stomach. This is a very believable claim because in society today people assume larger people make bad choices when it comes to nutrition, therefore this man having a belly full of junk food makes a lot of sense. This helps stress my point that fast food leads to obesity as well. I included this image where I did because it is part of the intro of my actual claim and it fits well in the "problem" section of my video. 
Image 9 -

This image has the same purpose and effectiveness as the previous two images. I included this image to add support and really demonstrate my point clearly with multiple examples. I also included this because it is a woman and the other two pictures were both men. I wanted to even the playing field and show that women have issues with obesity as well that also need to be addressed. 

Image 10 - 

I love this image because it stresses my point so clearly. It demonstrates the periodic weightloss on the warrant that that particular individual had unhealthy eating and exercise habits. People view this image and immediately think "I don't want that to be me" which is what makes it effective. It clearly shows obesity, and it provides the assumption that the individual was eating fast food compulsively because of previous images shown. That is the reason I placed this photo where I did because the previous photos set the stage of fast food and bad eating habits, which increase the effectiveness of this image dramatically. 

Image 11 -

This is an image of a sad face. I included this to show the emotion that people who let their bodies slip away from them feel. The people who make poor choices and eat junk and never exercise regret it and have self esteem issues and are never fully satisfied with the way they look, (I understand this is not true for all large people, but for the sake of my video it is.) When viewers see this image they will know they don't want to feel sad, they want the confidence and to be happy with their appearance. This sets the stage for the next part of the video which dives into the "Instead.." part of things. 

Image 12 - 

This anti burger image sends the message that instead of doing the easy and delicious thing, you should say no to the fast food burgers and try something healthy instead. It begins the segment by explaining what you shouldn't eat before diving into what you should. It is effective to include examples of what you shouldn't eat the the viewer can collect a few more ideas on their own, and understand the argument on a deeper level. When a viewer see's the anti-burger picture, they will begin thinking about the other choices they should make regarding fast food which means the argument is working. This image is based off of the warrant that all burgers are made of unhealthy materials and no one should eat burgers. Unrealistic, but it works for the argument. 

Image 13 -

This image has the same effect as the anti burger image, except it is twinkies. I included it to provide and additional example to back up the other one. Also the other example was a meal and twinkies are dessert therefore it shows two different food types which is helpful for the viewer to understand the message. 

Image 14 -  

This is a cartoon orange fitness kid. I put this in to show that it is not all about eating right, it is also about good exercise habits as well. This is part of the obesity solution which is why it is towards the end of the video. I think it is effective because it shows another helpful element to maintaining a healthy body weight and not falling into the obesity epidemic that was shown earlier in the video. It gives motivation and drive to be better and work harder. I like the cartoon because it is not gender specific meaning both men and women can relate to it.

Image 15 - 

This image shows a man and a women running. It is supposed to light motivation in the viewer and provide a positive feeling of "I can do this!" I did a man and a women running so, once again, it would not be gender specific. This goes along with the previous image and fitness. It is critically important to stay active in whichever way you choose. I chose this image because it displays running which is something that is inexpensive and most everyone out there can do it, its easy to relate to and not an outrageous suggestion for staying in shape. It is very do-able which makes the video much more effective. 

Image 16 -

The food pyramid is a basic symbol of standard nutrition. It is something everyone has seen before, everyone understands, and everyone can relate to. I included this image because it is generic, it supports nutrition, and it is a helpful reminder to those who forget to apply the food pyramid to their everyday eating habits. It goes along with the warrant it everyone followed the food pyramid no one would be obese. Although this is not necessarily true, it does promote health and it would significantly reduce obesity which is why I wanted to show it in the video. I put it towards the end before I get into more healthy food choices to replace the fast food earlier shown. 

Image 17 -

This picture shows an alternate meal option opposed to the disgusting greasy fast food crap. It shows luscious greens and perfectly grilled chicken. Any person in their right mind would find this more appealing than the greasy hamburger earlier shown, thus why I included it. I included it towards the end to put the viewer in the healthy mind set. This goes along with the warrant that eating something like that is just as easy as getting a hamburger and gaining 26 pounds. I wanted to show and example of a well balanced meal after showing the food pyramid.  

Image 18 -

Veggies are a basic thing people think of when they are told to eat healthy foods. Its the basics. Everyone knows vegetables are good for you and you should eat a daily serving of them, or two or three etc. I included this image to remind, much like the previous image. People get so focused on the easiest and least expensive things to eat that they often forget about very important food groups. By showing a picture of vegetables that look absolutely delicious it might put the viewer in the mood for some healthy food, which would make the video successful. I placed it towards the end because its a thought I want the viewer to leave with. 

Image 19 -
Same exact thought process as veggies. Wanted to reinforce the organic and healthy food claim, and leave the viewer with the desire to get some food that is good and good for them. In the case they hate veggies, maybe they can relate with the fruit or vice versa. I wanted the video to be versatile while still carrying out that central them, and I chose to do that with provided various examples that essentially serve the same purpose to my claim. 

Image 20

This is an opposite to this image shown earlier of gaining the weight. It is a more positive approach to the issue saying that if you go down the unwanted road of fast food and couch potato laziness, it is possible to go back. It provokes motivation in people who maybe struggle with their weight to see that they can look how they want it just takes some hard work. The image of the gaining weight strikes skinny people by showing them how they don't want to look and the losing weight strikes thicker people by showing them how they do want to look. It reaches a wide audience and relates to both men and women as well. I felt it was very effective in serving the purpose of the video. 

Image 21 -

 Again with the opposites, I wanted contrast to the sad face above. If you did all these things with diet and fitness, and you looked how you wanted to, why wouldn't you smile? I wanted to leave the viewer feeling good at the end of the video, feeling confident and worthy and willing to get up and make a difference in their lives. Motivation. 

Image 22 - 

This is the final message of my video. It encourages the viewer to "be a better you" it doesn't tell the person to change who they are, it just motivates to be their best. I wanted to end the video with motivation and a push to get out their and continue positive aspects of life while letting go of the negative aspects of their life. It is a powerful statement and I think it is the perfect way to end the video because it ends it on a strong and positive note. The viewer (hopefully) doesn't end the video feeling bad about themselves, they end the video feeling confident in their ability to enhance themselves. 

Song Choice - Upbeat, motivational, easy to listen to, Powerful 

Order - I started with the problem and evolved into the solution. I provided examples to really accentuate the parts of the claim I felt were important. 
-- Fast Food
-- Laziness
-- Fitness
-- Healthy Food 

Warrant: Fast Food is the reason for Obesity
Claim: Stop Eating Fast Food to Stop Obesity
Reason: Fast Food is extremely Unhealthy 

Hope you enjoy!  

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